Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a few of the questions people often ask when they consider beginning therapy. I hope this will be helpful to you. If you don’t see your question answered, please feel free to contact me and I will gladly answer your question.

What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a process in which a client works in close collaboration with a mental health practitioner to reduce disturbing or stressful emotional experiences in one’s life. Often the goal is to change an undesired behavior, or to improve an aspect of one’s life. I try to tailor therapy to meet the individual needs of each client. Some clients just want to work on solving a particular problem that is getting in their way. Others, want a deeper experience and want to understand how and why they behave as they do. Both approaches are healthy and important ways to work.

What should I expect in a first session?

It is quite normal to feel nervous at a first session. I find that once people come into my office, they soon feel more relaxed and comfortable. Usually in a first session, I ask the client to describe their concern. I will often take a history of the problem and we will formulate some rudimentary goals And yes, there is paperwork that will need to be filled out.

How long is a session?

Each session is about 50 minutes long. Sometimes there is a need to work longer than that. I will always discuss this with you ahead of time.

How many sessions will I need?

This is a hard question to answer because it depends greatly on each individual case. There are some issues that can be resolved in less than 10 sessions. Other, long standing issues may take longer. I will collaborate with you and offer you my opinion about this in the first or second session.

Do you prescribe medication?

In Delaware and Pennsylvania the only professionals who can prescribe medications are medical doctors (primary care physicians or psychiatrists) or mental health nurse practitioners. If it is determined that medication is something that is appropriate for your well being, I will gladly refer you.

Do you take insurance?

Currently I am an in network provider for ComPsych.  For all other insurances I am out of network.  This means that once you have met your deductible, you will be reimbursed a percentage of the session.  This percentage is based on the benefit you have selected and is determined by your insurance provider. It is always important to check with your insurance company to ask about this.

Many people currently participate in a Health Savings Program (HSA), or a Flexible Spending program. You can use this benefit to help pay for your therapy.

It is important to remember that investing in your mental health is one of the most important investments you will ever make in your life. Research has shown that the single most prominent factor for a successful therapeutic outcome is the relationship you have with your therapist. Making sure you find a therapist that “is the right fit” for you may require you to look beyond the providers in your in network program and may be well worth the effort.

What is your fee? 

I charge $195.00 for the initial evaluation session.  Each session after that is $185.00. I do charge additional fees for reports that you may need.  I can discuss this with you if you are in need of a written report.  I try to make my services available to all those that seek me out and try to keep my rates fair and comparable. If you have questions or concerns about this, please do not hesitate to contact me  to discuss this further.

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